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The primary use of this medicine is for the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This drug is a central nervous system (CNS) stimulant and works by affecting the chemicals substances in your brain to help you focus on the task at hand.

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A student has revealed a bizarre list of baby names that she is a fan of – including the word Chlamydia.

Sevanah Arian, who is from London, made a TikTok video about the baby names she would like if the words did not already have a meaning.

She shared the tongue in cheek video with her 63,000 followers online, which racked up thousands of views, saying: ‘Here are some baby names that I think would slap, if they already didn’t have meanings.’

Sevanah laughed before revealing the first name, which is Chlamydia.

Sevanah Arian, who is from London, make a TikTok video about the baby names she would like if they didn’t mean anything

‘We’re starting off strong with Chlamydia. Do you know what I mean? It’s like “Hey Chlamydia, come here,” she said.

‘This girl runs the school, she gets around – quite literally. I just feel like it’s giving daddy’s money.

‘Are you seeing the vision I’m seeing? Because Chlamydia is the first name.’

Chlamydia is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections in the UK and is passed on through unprotected sex (when you do not use a condom).

The Sevanah revealed that the second name she liked was Adderall, which is a drug most commonly used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

She continued by saying: ‘I feel like this girl is the girl next door. Blonde hair, always wears her denim shorts to high school in America. 

‘Definitely fake blonde and she’s giving me Hanna from Pretty Little Liars vibes, do you know what I mean?’

Sevanah then says the next baby name that has potential is Xanax. 

Sevanah said that she would like the name Chlamydia, which is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections in the UK

Xanax is a drug which can be used to treat anxiety and panic disorders and it is not prescribed through the NHS, but can be obtained via private prescription. 

‘It’s a unisex name, so it could be a guy or a girl. But I envision a very grungy girl, it’s like, “Yeah my name is Xanax.”

‘Yeah, I’m definitely feeling that name,’ Sevanah said excitedly.

The next name on her list is Influenza, the medical name for what is referred to as the flu in the UK. 

‘This is more like “I’m exotic and I’m tall”, that’s the vibe I’m getting from influenza. It’s like she knows what she’s about.

‘She’s not from around here but she will change your life. She’s addicting.

Sevanah also liked the word Adderall for a name, which is a drug prescribed to help people with their ADHD

‘This next one, I can’t lie to you, it’s not for me but I feel like it does sound like a name if it didn’t have a meaning.

‘Diarrhoea sounds like a name. It sounds like I’m classy, I’m high class. It also sounds like daddy’s money.

‘But it doesn’t sound like daddy has made the money, it sounds like I’m from old money. 

‘It sounds like Lord and Ladies of Cheshire kind of vibe. It’s giving, it’s really giving.’ 

Sevanah then revealed her last name, which was Eczema, which she came across on another video.

Users took to the comments to express what they thought about the video, with some agreeing with Sevanah 

‘It’s like I’m meek, and I’m quiet but you can’t get rid of me once you have me,’ Sevanah concluded. 

Users took to the comments to express what they thought about the video, as some agreed with Sevanah.

One person wrote: ‘I love your energy.’

Another said: ‘Imagine anaesthesia or anaemia as a name omg.’

A third penned: ‘Influenza?’

A fourth commented: ‘I love these baby names so much. They would definitely slap, especially Chlamydia!!!’ 

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